Quant Lab

Development of Robust Models

The »Bantleon Quant Lab« is dedicated to the development and implementation of quantitative investment strategies. Our core competencies include quantitative models for systematic portfolio management, optimized portfolio construction and quantitative risk management. Due to the increasing volume of available information (big data) and technological innovation (machine learning/artificial intelligence), we are constantly exploiting new opportunities to optimize portfolios towards the specifications of institutional investors. The »Bantleon Quant Lab« focuses on an innovative combination of quantitative analysis and economic research within an integrated framework. We use methods from various fields, including data analysis, statistics, mathematics, econometrics, engineering and informatics, to identify trends and correlations in the financial markets.

Deciding whether and how quantitative models are used is a complex task. Besides exploring all the options, it is also important to find where the limits are and take care to create robust models. By continuously verifying and systematically refining our models, we ensure that structural changes in the capital market are methodically anticipated at the earliest possible stage.

[Translate to Englisch:]
Jan Dismer
Member ot the Executive Board
Bantleon GmbH, Hanover
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