Sustainability at Bantleon

For us, not just a word, but also a fundamental value: sustainability is strongly anchored in the philosophy of Bantleon. This applies to internal processes as well as to our product and service portfolio.

Sustainability at Bantleon

Sustainability is strongly anchored in Bantleon's DNA. As an independent company, we have taken responsibility for our actions since our incorporation in 1991 and evaluate our business activities from a long-term and holistic perspective. Furthermore, we see sustainability as a challenge that can only be achieved by active participation and not from a passive attitude. Thus, acting in a sustainable way not only reduces risks, but also offers substantial opportunities.

With that in mind, ecological, social and corporate governance (ESG) criteria are an integral part of our investment processes. This ensures that sustainability risks are identified and addressed at an early stage and that their impact on the investment assets entrusted to us is minimised. The tailor-made implementation of individual requirement profiles of different investor groups is part of Bantleon's profound expertise.


Sustainability in active management

Sustainable active investment management cannot change the world overnight – but it can make it a little better every day.

Sustainability in passive management

We have also been offering sustainable solutions for passive investment strategies for years: from best-in-class approaches to the replication of regional sustainable indices and the ESG optimisation of conventional approaches.

Sustainability as Management Company

As Management Company, we are a strong partner for our clients in the definition, implementation and monitoring of legal requirements and voluntary principles and measures for the integration of sustainability in capital investments.

Sustainability-related transparency

As a financial market participant, we contribute to the promotion of sustainable finance. We create transparency by defining and disclosing our approach to corresponding sustainability-related regulatory requirements.

Engagement Policy

Sustainability is an integral part of regular company discussions and in the exercise of shareholder rights.

Support for global sustainability initiatives

We support global sustainability standards through participation in the United Nations PRI initiative and support the substantive objective of international climate agreements.

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