Engagement Policy of Bantleon GmbH
Bantleon GmbH (formerly Bantleon Invest GmbH) is a responsible asset manager that, as a matter of principle, attaches a great deal of importance in the equity strategies to active engagement in portfolio companies through regular dialogue with company representatives and the strategic exercise of voting rights. A detailed description of the nature and scope of the active exercise of voting rights and assertion of other shareholder rights by Bantleon Invest GmbH can be found in our engagement policy.
Engagement Policy (pdf, 157KB).
Engagement Policy of Bantleon Invest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH (formerly Warburg Invest AG)
The company has joined ISS ESG's thematic pooled engagement programme on behalf of itself and the funds it manages. In doing so, the company creates a cost-effective opportunity for itself and the investors in its investment funds to work together with other investors and companies worldwide to improve their risk management and ESG performance. The global pool of like-minded investors makes it possible to exert more influence than if the company or individual investors were to do this alone.