Best Service

Our award-winning Asset Servicing offers real added value. We are known for top service and high flexibility in the industry. Let us get in touch to discuss our comprehensive range of services tailor-made for your specific needs.

Investment Controlling

Our investment controlling team consists of mathematicians and experienced business professionals – among them various CFA or CIPM charter holder. That gives us the competence to accompany our clients even through turbulent financial markets and to flexibly respond to new regulations and laws. Our experts work closely with investors, fund managers and custodians and offer much more than required by supervisory law.

Risk management

You strive to comprehensively monitor the risks of your funds against a backdrop of demanding regulation, volatile financial markets and your individual requirements.

We offer ...

  • Individualised risk reporting: for example, determination of the value at risk with different holding periods or confidence levels, individual and forecast-based stress tests
  • Long-term value at risk: a model developed in-house for calculating market price risks on long holding periods
  • Simulation of the performance of funds under consideration of given market expectations

Investment compliance review

You want to make sure that the investment decisions meet your individual compliance specifications and are monitored in a fully automated way.

We offer …

  • Transmission of customer requirements into our systematics of investment limits
  • Flexible and scalable monitoring software
  • Static and dynamic limit monitoring depending on benchmark indices or other data sources
  • Self-developed tool to automatically link our software with our investment guideline form

Fixed Income Performance Attribution

You want to know which investment decisions turned out particularly well and how much they contributed to the overall success.

We offer …

  • Multifactor model for the decomposition of active performance
  • Exact traceability of the return sources down to individual security level
  • Interpretation of the results based on the implemented investment strategy
  • Complete consideration of all asset classes

Asset Valuation

You want a market-based valuation of all financial securities contained in your funds based on many years of expertise as well as reliable and flexible IT solutions.

We offer …

  • Standardised, company-wide valuation logic based on IT solutions developed in-house
  • Automated, daily valuation of all securities and derivatives in the portfolio
  • Professional market conformity review of all transactions
  • Valuation of illiquid securities, loan receivables and structured products using state-of-the-art methods

Contact Persons

[Translate to Englisch:]
Dr. Matthias Schleef
Head of Risk Controlling
[Translate to Englisch:]
Stefan Krapf
Member of the Executive Board, Head of IT
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