Investment Management

Our approach

  • Security cannot be taken for granted. It only comes from careful management. Our guiding principle since our company was founded in 1991 has been that capital preservation always comes first – only when this is assured can we focus our energies on generating attractive returns.
  • We know that investor satisfaction does not depend solely on performance. Our aim is to be dependable in all aspects of our business. We communicate realistic targets and do not foster exaggerated expectations. Clients receive helpful support with investment controlling in line with their internal and regulatory requirements.
  • Nobody gets it right 100% of the time. Bad decisions that lead to performance shortfalls are an inevitable part of investment management. We therefore guarantee transparency in our products and processes so that our clients can always see what we do and why. This is the only way to build the trust needed for us to overcome difficult periods together.
  • Any investment manager needs to understand the relationships that underlie the capital market. Those who do not are nothing more than opportunists. We believe that the economic cycle is the fundamental driving force behind every solid capital-market trend.
  • As a company managed by its owners, we do not follow fashions. Instead, we favour continuity in our products and in our client relationships. We aim to combine the best of both worlds: the long-term thinking of an entrepreneurial asset manager and the stability of systematic decision-making structures.
  • We are confident enough in the quality of our products to invest a large share of our own capital in our proprietary funds. We also manage our own investments in exactly the same way as those of our clients.


Stephan Kuhnke
Bantleon AG, Zurich
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