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Important Notices

The following website pages shall exclusively serve for marketing and information purposes and shall neither be seen as an investment advice nor a recommendation or request for a purchase or sale of investment instruments (including funds). The given information can and should not replace an individually coordinated consultation by persons qualified for this purpose. All statements are based on the information currently available to Bantleon and can be changed without any notification. Any commentary and opinions provided are based on reports and evaluations from sources in the public domain. Bantleon believes these sources to be reliable, but it cannot guarantee that their information is of high quality, accurate, up to date or complete. Consequently, it cannot accept any liability whatsoever for damages arising from the use of this information.

The full details of the mutual funds managed by Bantleon Invest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH are described in the respective prospectuses, the key information document (PRIIP-KID) and the semi-annual and annual reports. These documents in its currently valid version are the only binding basis for a purchase of fund shares. They are available free of charge in German on or can be ordered in printed form from Bantleon Invest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH, An der Börse 7, 30159 Hannover (Fund Management Company in Germany), and Bantleon GmbH, An der Börse 7, 30159 Hanover. For the BANTLEON SELECT SICAV, which is managed in Luxembourg, the documents can also be downloaded free of charge in English from or requested in printed form from Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG, Am Belvedere 1, 1100 Vienna (Contact and Information Agent in Austria), Bantleon AG, Claridenstrasse 35, 8002 Zurich (Representative in Switzerland) or UBS Switzerland AG, Bahnhofstrasse 45, 8001 Zurich (Paying Agent in Switzerland).

A summary of investor rights including further information on instruments of legal enforcement is available in German and English at respectively

Bantleon Invest Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft mbH may revoke the distribution of the mutual funds at any time.

Performance calculations are based on the daily fund share prices and the reinvestment of income (BVI method). All costs within the fund are taken into consideration, expect the subscription fee. Additional fees, commissions and other costs can be charged at the time of buying. These costs are not taken into account in the calculations presented here and can have a negative impact on performance. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

The issued shares of the mutual funds are only allowed to be offered or sold in legal jurisdictions where such an offer or sale is permitted. In particular, the shares cannot be offered or sold within the United States of America nor to or on behalf of US citizens or persons living in the United States of America or anyone qualifying as a US person according to the applicable regulations in the United States of America. This document and its content are not allowed to be distributed within the USA. The distribution and publication of this document as well as the offer and sale of shares may also be subject to restrictions in other legal jurisdictions.

The information herein has been compiled with the utmost care and attention. However, no responsibility is taken for the correctness and completeness of this information. Any liability for possible losses directly or indirectly linked to this information is excluded.

If in this publication the term »Bantleon« is used without any further specification, it refers to Bantleon AG, domiciled in Zurich (Switzerland), and all its associated companies, in particular subsidiaries (also referred to as the »Bantleon Group«).

This is a translation of the German disclaimer. The German version shall be binding for the interpretation of all information on the website.

By accessing this website, you declare your consent to the data protection information which can be found at

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