The news agency Bloomberg News has again awarded »Bantleon Senior Economist« Jörg Angelé as »Top Forecaster of the Euro-Area Economy«. Bloomberg honoured his very precise forecasts for various economic indicators regarding the Eurozone.
According to Bloomberg, the economic research team has consistently ranked among the world's best forecasters for the Eurozone since 2011 and regularly belongs to the »Top 5« (2011: rank 1; 2014, 2017, 2018 and 2019: rank 2; 2020 and 2021: rank 1; 2022: rank 2). The forecasts of »Bantleon Senior Economist« Dr. Andreas Busch for the USA are also very precise: according to Bloomberg, he has been among the top ten forecasters for the country worldwide since 2013 (2015 and 2016: rank 5; 2017: rank 6; 2018: rank 7, 2019: rank 4, 2020, 2021 and 2022: rank 3). For the first quarter of 2023 he rose to rank 2.
»We are very proud that our economists have once again proven their high forecasting quality in this persistently difficult capital market environment,« says Stephan Kuhnke, Head of Asset Management at Bantleon. »The highly systematic nature of our economic research enables reliable results, which provide the basis for our asset management.«
For the current Bloomberg ranking concerning the Eurozone, the forecasts of 26 international analysts were evaluated based on data submitted to Bloomberg over the past two years. Overall, the ranking referred to the following nine indicators: gross domestic product, consumer confidence, consumer prices, EU Commission economic and industrial confidence, M3 money supply, industrial production, producer prices, and unemployment. To qualify for being ranked in the »Top Forecasters of the Euro-Area Economy«, participation in at least 15 of the past 24 months is required for at least five indicators.